Sunday, June 30
Today we got up and had a small bite to eat, anticipating going to the Casino for brunch a little later. We did some work to get the coach ready to go and got dressed, then we walked up to the park office to see about a shuttle. They will come get you at your site, but we wanted to check out the park store.
About 10 minutes after we got there, a shuttle appeared, and took us to the Casino. On the way, the driver told us of a machine guaranteed you could get money out of! Of course we were interested, most of the slots just take and take! He told us right were to look, once we got inside. Of course, that machine was an ATM! Lol!
We headed over to the brunch buffet and had a pretty good meal. Kind of a "last supper" since we need to get back to eating appropriately, once we get home. We tried a variety of breakfast, lunch and dessert items. We then went into the casino to try the slots, but we just didn't have luck today, so we headed back.
We made quick work of it to get the rig closed up and ready to go home. We pulled out about 2:10.
Eileen at Choctaw KOA, Durant, OK
Cute little Airstream Bambie
We made a stop at The Peanut Shoppe in Calera for some sugar-free treats, and then stayed on 69 through Denison and through the back-roads to Rockwall and home.
We decided to go ahead and back the Mammoth in since there would be much unloading, and the temps were not too bad! There is an unusual cold front in the area for the week, and temps are supposed to be in the 80s and 90s, with lows in the 60s and 70s! This is unheard of for our area this time of year, so we'll take it!
After we got the rig in the driveway and a few things unloaded, we decided one more "bad" meal was needed. We headed over to Carmona's Tex-Mex Cantina, for our favorites. We needed our real Tex-Mex fix!
Us at Carmona's, Terrell, TX
After dinner we phoned family and just relaxed. Kitties enjoyed running around and climbing their cat tree, oooh so much more to get into!
We are sad to be done with our trip, but glad it went well and we had a great time. Next year's North American Heartland Rally will probably be in Virginia... The jury is still out on that far a trek, but who knows! You know we'll be headed somewhere.
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