June 29
Today we decided to stay home, and do virtually nothing. It was a relaxing day. Tony made low-carb pancakes and we had fresh blueberries with them. We both stayed preoccupied with reading or various other little things throughout the day, including a nice long nap.
Late afternoon, clouds started to form. Very interesting to watch in the crystal blue sky, with mountains all around. It's hard to get perspective to tell if they are moving our way. A check of the radar said yes, spotty light showers were coming soon. We had a few brief sprinkles, but no significant rain. The clouds did cool it off rather nicely though!
Tony decided to cook the 1.5" thick steaks we had bought earlier in the week from James Ranch. Our little O-Grill did great! It was so tender. After dinner we went for a walk around the park, since we had seen many arrivals and departures the past 2 days. I like to see what the rigs are, where they are from, and what they pull with. There are folks here from California, Arizona, New Mexico, South Dakota, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, and Oregon!
We checked out the pool area that had been recently updated, the game room, laundry and cafe. This place has greatly improved the facilities since we first came, but still not to the level they were selling us when they wanted us to join in a time-share membership offer, back in 2008.
We stopped at the observation deck that sits out over the river, and enjoyed the view of the rushing water. I just happened to spot a deer, grazing on the other side of the river. It was farther down from us, closer to our site. We started walking back to our site, and when we got to the area by the river, we were right across from it! And there was another one! Tony tried to get a picture, but one deer started chasing the other, and they ran off. It was neat to watch!
After we returned, we decided to watch a movie. We watched Cars, the first one. I guess I just love the story, it really is a good one. We watch it at least 2-3 times a year on our RV trips.
All in all, a very relaxing day.
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