Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Inaugural North Texas Rally

Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012

This morning was the day we were headed to Canton, TX for Heartland Owners Club Inaugural North Texas Rally. Last year we attended a rally here, but it was really held by the South Texas chapter, in an attempt to get a NTX Chapter started. In June, Terry & Carol H. stepped up to become the Chapter leaders. We had 15 rigs signed up, but two have had to cancel. 

Well, Mammoth was a little dirty with black streaks, since we'd had a lot of rain in the past few weeks. We had talked about giving her a bath, but since I was out of town last weekend and the weather wasn't cooperating, it didn't work out. This morning, I somehow woke up early and decided to do a quick job of at least getting the black streaks off. It took about an hour and 15 minutes, and I ran out of black-streak remover, so I guess I was lucky... she does look better!

 Washed Mammoth!

I worked to get the rig loaded and ready, so when Tony came home from work there wan't much to do. We were on the road by 4:15pm. We got to Canton about 4:45. 

The RV park office

We were greeted right away by Terry and Carol and Lou and Bette, folks we'd met at the Rally in Cody, WY this June. They invited us to dinner, so we joined them. We went to Vals italian, it was very good. 

We didn't do anything after dinner, just headed back to get ourselves set up and situated. We had a minor glitch with the power, and had to use the power pole on the site next door, but it will be fine. The park said they would send someone out tomorrow.

Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012

Today Tony got up super-early to head to work. I got up a little later, and started working in my home-office-away-from-home. About mid-morning, more rigs began to arrive, and by mid afternoon, we had 10 rigs here! 

Heartland Rigs as far as the eye can see.

Another picture of the HL rigs.

I worked on and off all day, visiting in-between. About 5:00 I went around to see what was going on. Terry showed up inviting folks to dinner. We decided to go eat at Baker's Ribs. Tony called saying he was headed back to Canton and we decided he'd just meet us there! He got there right as we were sitting down to eat. We had a great meal and visited. Tony and I picked up some of their great fried pies for the potluck dessert get-together tomorrow.  After dinner, we walked around the rally area and visited with a few folks. We saw some lightning in the distance, so we decided to head in. The VP debate was on, so we found a HS football game on another station to watch. ;) We got a few sprinkles, but not too much.

The rally officially starts tomorrow, but we're having fun already!

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