Monday, April 8, 2013

Kitties and Katfish

Friday, April 5th

Today, we got moving somewhat late, mainly because I needed some more sleep. About 10am we were finally up and about, and rally-goers were starting to mill around and visit. Tony went out to visit with them, while I finished getting ready. We opened some windows, too, since the temperature was nice in the 50s and 60s. Kitties loved that! They went from window to window, staring out much of the day.

All set up

Kitties hanging out in the Mammoth

Our Heartland friends were great, coming over and welcoming us, and we visited for a while until lunchtime. After lunch, I took a much-needed nap. Tony and the kitties watched TV or snoozed, in the living room. Our friend Dan came in to meet the kitties. They did great, letting him pet them.

About 3:30PM, Tony decided to see what was happening for dinner. There had been some talk of a group going out early, since our ice cream social was at 6pm. Well, at about 4:00PM, they were ready to go! We ended up riding with our friends Jay and Stella over to Vernon's Kountry Katfish, and a large group ended up having a delicious meal together!

At Vernon's Kountry Katfish

After dinner, we all went over to the clubhouse, (The Landmark room) for the ice cream social and visiting. Then, about eight of us stayed to play Mexican Train, a domino game. We played a complete game, from 12-0. We didn't keep score, but we had a great time. I won three rounds!

Ice Cream Socializing

It was midnight before I crawled into bed with the kitties and Tony. Luckily, they all didn't notice too much, and we got a pretty restful night of sleep!! I guess there wasn't a dire need to explore this night. YAY!

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