Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Same stuff, different day!

Wednesday, June 7th

Today, Tony headed out to his class, and I went to work again. Tony came home at lunch.

Luckily, one of my big projects wrapped up today, so the afternoon, I worked on cleaning up the truck a little from her mud-bath. While I worked on the truck, Lisa Brown came by and wanted to take some pics. She also got to meet our cats. She is one of the Heartland Bloggers, and they have two cats of their own -- two girls. Lisa showed Mambo a picture of Kandi, but he was not all that impressed. I thought she was a hottie! She is much "bigger" than him, maybe that was a turnoff (she's a Maine Coon). LOL!

Our friends Andy and Joanna arrived today from Lake Charles, Louisiana. They did that drive in two days! Crazy! But, they both still work, so we totally understand. You do that so you have more time to play on your limited time off.

For dinner, we headed to the Chinese Buffet. We were both hungry and wanted instant food. It is a good buffet, one of the better ones we've been to.

After dinner, we decided to stay in, rather than go visit. We've been going non-stop since we left Texas. We watched a little TV, and I fell asleep watching.Tony hit the hay early. I decided to catch up on the blog.  I will try to be better!

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