Today, we got up and had breakfast, then started gradually getting ready to leave. We had nearly everything ready to go, and of course, others had to come by and say goodbye. Our friends Jay and Stella are headed to Beaumont for the South Texas Rally, and many others here are headed there as well. We just can't justify going to far, when Tony can't take off any time. We wish them all safe travels and I know they'll have a lot of fun.
We had a really good time at the Rally, and have to say great things about Nancy and Dave. They took on the WagonMaster role for the Rally. They ended up doing a lot of the work behind the scenes to pull the rally off, and they really made it go very smoothly. I hope that if the Chapter Leadership position opens up, that they will consider taking it on!
We finally pulled out about noon, which was checkout time. Kitties rode with me in the car, while Tony pulled the trailer. 3 rigs pulled out about the same time, but we turned right when they turned left.

Heading out

Eileen at Mill Creek Ranch Resort, at the Heartland North Texas Chapter Rally. Notice the Heartlands in the background.
We made it to Terrell in about 30 minutes, and I swung into a fast-food joint to get food while Tony headed home. Once we were fed, we proceeded to get the Mammoth backed into the driveway again. It took a few attempts to get the right angle, but Tony backed in fairly easily. (We have a few projects in mind before the weather gets cold, so that's why Mammoth is in the driveway.)
We then got the rig unloaded. Wow, what a difference in the temperature! Since rain was predicted, we had heavhy gray cloud-cover all day, but no rain yet. That made for a quick and easy unloading!
We hope to get another trip or two in before our big one this winter. Just have to see when we can fit it in. Maybe we'll go see Jay and Stella when they are at Inks Lake again, park-hosting.